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致雷丁球迷的一封信-于先森码字的地方 致雷丁球迷的一封信雷丁球迷们:你们好!也许你们刚刚沉浸在杀入英冠升级附加赛决赛的喜悦中,但是有关贵俱乐部所有权的变动的新闻却着实引人担忧:来自已经声名扫地的中国人和集团的戴秀丽、戴永革姐弟成为贵俱乐部的新拥有者。作为曾被戴氏姐弟深深伤害的一名中国球迷,我感到我有义务告诉你们贵俱乐部的新拥有者曾经有过怎样的斑斑劣迹。简单地来说,他们就是第二个彼得·温克尔曼,甚至比温克尔曼还要更加令人厌恶。2007年,戴氏姐弟的人和集团收购了我的家乡中超球队陕西浐灞。但在20


To all Reading F.C. fans:
Maybe you’re still immersed in the joy of stepping into Championship play-off final, but your club’s ownership change really arouse my concern: Dai Xiuli, Dai Yongge and their “Renhe Commercial Holdings Company Limited” become Reading’s new owner. As a Chinese football fans who has been hurt by The Dais龙一仪 , I want to tell you what your new owners had done in China.
Simply speaking, they're another Pete Winkelman-even much worse. In 2007 Dai Xiuli and Dai Yongge purchased my hometown top tier team-Shaanxi Chanba. Four years later,战地雄鹰 at the end of year 2011, they decided to relocate the team to another Chinese city Guiyang, only beacuse government in Guiyang provided them convenience to develop their underground real estate projects. The team was renamed Guizhou Renhe. Another four years passed by, after GZ Renhe relegated in 2015 season, The Dais decided another move. They moved the team from Guiyang to Beijing. Their second move was also due to economic interests. Now their team's name is Beijing Renhe. If you search the history of Beijing Renhe on wikipedia, you'll find what I said is true.
The Dais already ruined their fame in China. Because of the frequent move, their team even gained an ironic nickname: “The Wanderers”. They rarely care about the fans and the community; they see their team’s relocation as a way to gain economic interests. They're truly speculators. The fact that their deal to purchase Hull City F.C. last was blocked already shows they’re not qualified to buy another English club. I just hope in the future Reading F.C. will not suffer the same misfortune, and what we experienced won't happen to you. Good luck to Reading F.C.
