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Because most Japanese people don't really like the idea of having a roommate, a lot of these young people end up living alone, including young women. While Tokyo is much safer than large cities in many other countries, crimes do happen, and criminals often consider young women who live alone to be easy targets.
因为大多数日本人不太喜欢和室友同住异世食仙 ,很多年轻人都是独居,其中包括年轻女性。尽管与许多其它国家的大城市相比,东京要安全得多,但也有犯罪发生,独居年轻女性往往被罪犯视为容易下手的目标易玄算命网。
To help address this problem, and also to put the minds of female tenants at ease, apartment management company Leo Palace 21 has developed what it calls the Man on the Curtain system.
为解决这个问题,让女性住户安心海城供求世界,物业管理公司Leo Palace 21开发了一个名为“窗帘上的男友”的系统。

Using a projector controlled by/attached to a smartphone, Man on the Curtain throws a silhouette of a man onto your curtains, so that when people outside look at your windows冷帝血后 , there will appear to be a guy inside, thus masking that you live alone.
If you're wondering how that's better than just putting a cardboard cutout by your window官晶晶微博, Man on the Curtain is full-motion, projecting videos of actual actors (in silhouette) for an extremely lifelike look.

Currently, the system has 12 different options, including such intimidating routines as a boxer throwing practice punches, a martial artist going through a karate kata蔡书灵 , a bodybuilder working out with dumbbells, and a sports fan swinging a baseball bat around.
目前,该系统有12款不同的选择,乾贵士 包括一些令人生畏的剪影视频,比如练拳的拳击手、练习空手道的武术大师、举哑铃锻炼的健美爱好者以及来回挥舞棒球棒的体育迷欧亚斯密 。

More relaxed choices include a guy vacuuming…
还有更加闲适的项目替身娘娘 ,包括拿吸尘器清扫的男性

…folding laundry…

…and doing yoga, which seems like it could double as a fitness video that you could do yourself in tandem with your shadowy protector.

Since it'd be easy to deduce that a short loop is a fake, each video is roughly 30 minutes long, with a variety of motions.
因为短短一小段循环视频容易被识破,所以每段视频长度大约有30分钟李卓雅 ,里面有各种各样的动作。
Granted, some of the options, such as the man vacuuming or playing guitar伊天照 , aren’t going to be as effective if a would-be criminal is close enough to the window to notice the lack of sound. But the images themselves are very convincing.
当然,如果犯罪分子离窗户很近,拿吸尘器打扫和弹吉他等男性剪影视频就会露馅,因为他们会注意到房间里并没有声音。但剪影本身是很逼真的易解放 。
