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Matthew effect: why can the strong get stronger?
Let me give you a couple of phenomena.
Phenomenon 1: the world's largest black hole卧春原文 , Ton618, is 61 billion times the mass of the sun.
Phenomenon 2: the world's wealth of 45.6% is in the hands of 0.7% people.
Phenomenon 3: the number of key undergraduate students of a middle school in a certain year in sichuan province exceeds that of all other middle schools in the province.
What are the characteristics of these phenomena? The gap between maximum and minimum is huge.
这一切会导致一件事情:复利增长绝情弃妃 。
基于这样的原理,这个模型可以如何应用呢残虐你娱乐我 ?
正向:1.01^365 = 37
负向:0.99^365 = 0.02
(注:365次方代表一年的365天,1代表每一天的努力相川步美 ,1.01表示每天多做0.01,0.99代表每天少做0.01由此公式可得,正向进步和反向退步在一年365天后,差异可以非常大。)
From this we can make some inferences:
All failures begin with a negative cycle.
Peter thiel once said, "successful companies have their own success, and failed companies are all the same. Nobody, no money醒酒汤的做法 , no product, no market."
These elements of failure are all negative loops. But all startups start with a negative cycle, and think about how you can turn that into a positive cycle.
2. Confusion of vigilance index, patience of positive cycle and caution of negative cycle.
The flywheel cycle is initially super slow and then becomes super fast,徐慧宣 like the starting curve of an airplane.
For entrepreneurs, they have to wait for a little bit of patience for success, and they have to respond quickly to the company's illness and their own.
Because when sickness comes, it's been happening for a long time, almost to the point where you can't even imagine it.

3、单点大力姚尚武 ,多点小力,借力打力。
多点小力苏佩雄 。也就是把每一个小的飞轮推成大的飞轮任宏恩哭坟。
借力打力吴其人 。也就是说,从影响飞轮转速的地方借力,比如3Q大战,其实让猎豹借到了力。
4. Add positive feedback loop and cut out negative feedback loop.
This quote is from Peter senge (author of the fifth discipline), which is also the basic framework of the learning organization theory.
The positive feedback process is the engine of growth, he said. As long as you are in a growth situation, there must be positive feedback. When negative feedback (steady feedback) works, it is goal-oriented. If the target is stationary报告典狱长, negative feedback ACTS like a brake on a car.
By the same token, Jim Collins calls it the flywheel effect. The same is true of Charlie munger's own Lollapalloza, where factors come together to create the flywheel effect, which is ultimately an unstoppable process.
All three concepts seem to me to be the same thing.
Moreover, in the chicken soup formula mentioned above, we can see that the determinants in the flywheel are coefficient, feedback cycle, and positive cycle and negative cycle. For example, the spelling is particularly strong in terms of coefficients and feedback cycles.
2 用飞轮效应"做生意"
在创业过程中,我们对马太效应应用的第一步,就是把公司的飞轮图画出来,要求整个公司all in推动飞轮:
每个人都要思考你做的事情是不是在公司的主线路径上,有没有推动这个飞轮流浪歌简谱 ,把工作具体到指数和反馈周期上面。
比如说hotmail的病毒传播。hotmail从100万用户到4000万用户只做了一件事,就是在每封邮件后面都写一个"Sent from hotmail",这就形成了一个自然的病毒连接。薛鹏做的闪送也是一样郭永淳 ,每一次收发都是一次广告。
3 如何把马太效应落地?
最后我分享一个实操的案例。当我们看到指数级增长和马太效应,就一定要去落地极品警察 。
比如,取名就是一个关乎指数底数是 1.01 还是 1.02 的问题,口碑365个迭代过后刘文钊,差别会是 37倍或者1200倍的区别,所以值得超级重视。我们最著名的产品百词斩,就不是一个好名字,起码浪费了我几千万俄国妖僧 。
Get 20 people to call five friends and say I have three names here, listen to them, and when they hear them湖底魔兽 , I'll pretend something is wrong. Call again five minutes later and ask which of the three names you remember.
In this test, the order is very important, so our order is randomly shuffled each time, making sure that each name has the same chance of being in first place, so that we end up with Top 3 memory.
The three memory differences may be the coefficients of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3, but we believe the names will be worth $50 million after a year or two due to multiple iterations and changes.
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